Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'm not gonna watch Twilight tomorrow :( instead i will be sitting at home bored to death x.x ... i cannotwait for the next two years when i can have my freedom ... yes i cant wait. .. most of my close friends know what my problem is if you invite me out like a couple of times you'd hear the same reason -.- .. "no transport" or "my mum won't let me go" ... :/ the usual for me .

Okay im soo bored now that im doing the same tag but i got tagged by Julie so its diff i guess..

Got tagged by Julie <3 heh
1. What is your relationship of you and her?Best friends since standard 1. :) (yupp true :))
2. Your five impressions towards her...Kind, caring, crazy about anime(mostly naruto i'd say),'my partner in crime' :P (like years back haha) and you wouldnt want to mess with her ;) .
3. The most memorable thing she has done for you...Erm... I don't know.... Does getting in trouble and going to see the teacher together count? xD (I'd have to agree with you on that too Julie )XD
4. Most memorable thing she has said to you...The first time we both said cool at the exact same time.(lol yarh and few other words i think ... and used to be like sisters :P)
5. If she becomes your lover, you will...not gonna happen we are both straight
6. If she becomes your enemy, you will...No answer. I doubt we'll ever become enemies! :)But of we do, I'll be very sad. D: (same here !!! )
7. If she becomes your lover, she will have to improve on..WHAT DID I SAY ON QUESTION 5?! ( see dont mess with her :D) and i say same thing look at no. 5
8. If she becomes your enemy, the reason is...Number 6.
9. The most desirable thing to do to her is...Steal Bill Gates' credit card, gather all our friends and go shopping spree~(that'd be cool :P , i'dlike to hang out with her more because we dont get to see each other much !!! :( maybe like most would be 3 times a year :/)
10. The overall impression of her is...She can be shy when meeting people she doesnt know but once u get to know her she aint shy anymore :)
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?That I'm weird. Because I don't talk when around new people.(i just notice i think people feel like that too because im like that around new people sometimes too) and well other people that know me what do u think?
12. The character of you for yourself is?....
13. On the contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?look at old tag14.
The most ideal person that you wanna be with is? friends duh ! :D

Okay i cancel the rest not gonna do that few questions again xD